Our Communion with Life, Light and Love [Pre-Order]
  • Our Communion with Life, Light and Love [Pre-Order]

Our Communion with Life, Light and Love [Pre-Order]

120,00 $

An Exegetical and Devotional Commentary of the Epistles of St. John the Beloved.

The First, Second, and Third Epistles of John the Theologian are homiletical letters written to the “Called Out” community to re-establish them in the ancient Apostolic transmission amid schisms and heresies that were creeping into the first-century Apostolic Church as almost all the Twelve Apostles had exited the scene, with the exception of the Beloved Apostle John. In these letters, Apostle John uses an exhortative as well as an accusative tone to strengthen the faith of the “Called Out” community, refute heretical Gnostic issues known throughout the Christian world, and also to address issues of ecclesial administration, missionary work, and Christian generosity. 

Throughout my years of ministration, I have come to notice that Apostle John’s non-polemic approach employed throughout these epistles in addressing the “Gnostic problem” has created a lot of difficulties for modern readers in accurately interpreting its content as it is often erroneously supposed that what is stated to the Gnostic schismatics concerns Christians. It is my desire that the contents of this commentary will serve as a tool to reconnect the Church to the Apostolic transmission and also provide the theological materials to dissolve all heresies and schisms that have weakened the witness of the Church in the 21st century as we learn to present the truth in love. By diligently and devotionally going through this commentary, you will be equipped with the Apostolic phronema to champion orthodoxy in these contemporary times.

I devote the contents of this book in particular to all men and women who desire to minister the truth in love that the Church of Jesus Christ might be unified within and strengthened in her witness to the world. Nativity of the Lord 2022

Dr. Shawn Smith  

Nativity of the Lord 2022 

Note: This is a PRE-ORDER. The book will be made available to you in one to two months. The cost of the commentary stated here includes shipping. You will not be required to pay any additional shipping fee.


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